my needs and motives

Hey, it´s me again. And honestly, I’m not exactly sure how to do this blog or how to start it but I’ll give it a go.

As a person, obviously I need sleep. Probably one of the only normal teenagers in high school that actually goes to sleep before 9:30pm and trust me, that’s late for me. When I tell my friends I go to sleep around that time, they always all have the same reaction, “omg that’s so early!” and then when they tell me what time they go to sleep at, which for most people is after 12am. I’m the one saying it’s so late.

One of the most important need/motives is God and my family. I wasn’t always into God. I mean I believed in Him, but I didn’t really have a close relationship with Him. It wasn’t until I went to a retreat this year for three days. Honestly, it was eye opening and such a life changer. It made me realize that no matter what the situation, God will always be the answer. He is a forgiving father and loves unconditionally. Ever since I started getting closer to Him, I’ve been so much happier and I feel like He is truly turning my life around.

I started reading the bible and I found this good verse,

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

It’s currently my favorite because in all honesty, God does strengthen us and with Him anything is possible.

Something that always motivates me, is my family. I mean don’t get me wrong, my family isn’t perfect. And like any other family, mine has problems every now and then. But something that never changes, is that they always support me no matter what. Especially my mom, she’s literally my best friend and I love her for that. I love that I can tell her everything.

4 thoughts on “my needs and motives

  1. Woah, this right here is something I totally can relate to. I’m that person who cares about my sleep and will sleep early, even if I didn’t finish my homework(oops), because I love to sleep lol. That bible verse is my favorite!! I’m glad to hear that God turned your life around, he always works in amazing ways and he is someone we can always turn to no matter what. 🙂

  2. I find that quote, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” to be interesting because you can only be strong if and only if you accept god. Anyways your blog is cute and you are doing great. Keep it up 🙂

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